Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Research Opportunities!

Most of you know that the other part of what professors do is to present their personal research in venues of either publication for distribution or the genre of publication-by-performance that is the conference paper. BYU is having a GREAT conference this November, and they have just extended the deadline to the 5 September!  "Women and Creativity" is going to discuss just exactly some of the things we are intending to wrestle with in this first "folk knowledge" unit. What is women's creativity? Is that even a legitimate question? Is it an insulting question; assuming, as some might read (into) it, a difference in qualitative or quantitative production from women than from men?  Why would it be insulting (or not) to have a conference on "Men and Creativity"?

I all in, folks (FOLKS! Ha! Get it?)! And you should be too! (if you want--just because I'm one of the teachers does not make every imperative sentence I utter or write into an assignment.) I am going to submit a proposal to this conference. I have a friend who does bread-giving as performance art. It is every BIT as weird as, even more lovely than, it sounds; as I develop and rewrite my proposal I'll post it here; as I write the paper and do the steps necessary for the sort of research it requires, I'll keep you up to date through this blog.


This semester is going to rock my socks right OFF.

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